Hi Maurizio,

Yes, of course, i could hide something that could be hidden natively.
If no solution will came i'll do so, or i'll use some #ifdef __XHARBOUR__
taking decision at compile time about the scope of methods.
Not a problem at all.

There is also a workaround where you #include external
.c code inside BEGINDUMP/ENDDUMP. So that you can switch
between both methods. This adds some more complexity,

The OOP implementation doesn't suffer in any case IMO.

I agree, but anyway i still believe that would be better to can write some static C function (when speed is a must, by example) and can call hem from
(x)harbour code without to make the function globally referenced.
My signalation was just for asking to pay attention to this lack of feature
during your renewed and effective effort about harbour.
Thanks for your attention.

No problem at all.

I'd personally welcome if hwgui would compile with Harbour too,
and I'm probably not alone.


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