Nonsense and a waste of time. ("Fából vaskarika" in Hungarian)

Hi Przemek,

I'm not sure you understood.
We will need such prototyping for strong type checking in .prg code.
Probably the side effect of this will be also addressing the issue
with functions declared inside #pragma begindump. If it will then
good, for sure I do not plan to invest any additional time for
intentional blocking it :-)

I was reflecting to "inline", not your resolution plan really :)

I'm all for strong type checking [ although I began to
see it having a bit too much impact on the language
than I though it would ], but I'm against things which
are specifically to aid embedding foreign languages.

I meant that a waste of time.

I see we have -ki (hb_inline) enabled by default.
Can't we make this disabled in next version (or even
current one)? Also I think we'd need another switch to
disable BEGINDUMP/ENDDUMP. It's happened several time
that I've spent time looking around for C stuff, and
at the end I had to realize that it's inline C code.
Quite a waste of time. Not to mention the numerous
non-portable code you mention.

I'll add such switch. And if you want we can also change
the default setting to disable hb_inline() support.

That would be very nice. Thanks.

It can be very rarely useful if I want to quickly
test a small program needs C code (using bld.bat),
but I'd perfectly be happy to use a Harbour switch
to enable the feature in these few cases.
As for hb_inline() I'd remove it completely.

We should never have this feature. But it was added and there
is a code which uses it. I've invest too much time to make it
working as real inline in the .prg syntax adopting new PP for
it that now I would leave it as is. Probably only disabling -ki
in default compiler setting so user will have to enable it

Yes, this was one of those features which shouldn't
have made it into Harbour. Reading back my mail from then
(before the fact), I wasn't enough against it, and if
anything I proposed the current "half-solution" as the
one with the least impact, later when I wasn't around,
the later-became xhb team added it to the code, along
with hb_inline(), which is even worse.

I'm sorry you had to spend time on that.


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