
What I was trying to say is that a MT only rtl/hvm can be used with ST code
(like all legacy code) without problems because code that does not use MT
features explicitly will simply be running on thread #1 and will be completely
unaware of being run in a MT capable environment.

This is what happens with xbase++ which has only a MT runtime.

Of course, if I call startThread() I'm writing MT code and as such it will be
my resposability to create reentrant/mt-safe code.

Hope this is more clear.



> I do not understand such limitation. Code started by StartThread()
> should be able to use all existing features and functions just like
> single thread code. Of course if access to some resources will need
> additional synchronization mechanism then it will have to be used.
> We only have to clearly document which elements are synced by us and
> which one must be synced by user.
> > This way, if you don't use MT extensions explicitly your code has not MT
> > issues being confined to a single thread (as is with current ST code which 
> > is,
> > in the end, run by a thread).
> Maurilio, I really do not know what I should think about. Probably
> I do not understand you. If I have ST server for single user in ST
> mode then having MT mode I want to use the same code to serve more
> clients simultaneously. I do not want to rewrite this code using
> some new rules. I expect the code executed after StartThread()
> will work with the same conditions as in single thread program
> or as in the main thread.
> > > > This way GC can be on a different thread, terminals can update on-screen
> > > > buffer asynchronously from .prg code and so on.
> > > Sorry but I do not understand. I do not see any relation to GC here or
> > > allocated resources. How GC will be implemented is only our decision and
> > > 3-rd party code should not depend on it at all. For us it's only important
> > > to not define API which may reduce our choices in the future.
> > It was an example, since .prg gets compiled to .c I cannot have a ST .prg 
> > code
> > linked to ST .C libraries if GC is to be run by a thread. If, otherwise, we
> > have a MT only runtime than we already have to link to MT .C libraries and 
> > as
> > such we can use threads at the .C level without worring about .prg <-> .c
> > issues (if there are such issues, I really don't know for sure).
> We do not have any problem with .prg->.c code translation by compiler
> in ST and future MT mode.
> The GC problem is caused by the fact that we have to stop all user threads
> before we begin to mark all known items. If we will not make sth like that
> then it will be possible that one of threads will move not marked yet chain
> of items to item which has been marked by GC. It will cause that GC will
> never mark them as used and free them but in fact items are still accessible.
> To resolve this problem is necessary to stop all user threads or extend GC
> by introducing state markers (colors in some terminology) though it's not
> perfect solution and in some cases may be reason of bad side effects so
> it's rather seldom used feature.
> In summary: with current GC nothing can change item contents during GC
> scan/mark pass. In MT programs it means that all user threads will have
> to be suspend and when GC will finish its job resumed. Such situation
> is quite common in many different languages using GC.
> > > If need really good and flexible solution then we should create new
> > > API and remove the old one so whole code will be MT ready.
> > If this is so, then I'd say let's write a xbase++ compatible api, this will
> > make it easier for third parties to support harbour as well.
> As I said such API will have to be very similar in all languages so some
> set of #define macros should probably resolve the problems with portability
> xbase++ code. I belive that now you can see how important is not accessing
> HB_ITEM internals from non core code. In Harbour for non core code PHB_ITEM
> is mapped to void * so it works just like an container handle in xbase++.
> We are free to introduce any modifications without effecting 3-rd part code,
> f.e we can internally use synchronization mechanism to guard that some
> operations on items will be atomic or instead of pointers begin to use
> indexes to some HVM internal item table. In xHarbour HB_ITEM members are
> visible and accessed by non core code so it's hard to make such modifications
> even in CVS repository only - instead of few modifications in HVM code it will
> be necessary to update RTL and many other libraries.
> > > And xbase++ uses sth like proposed new API and does not support Clipper
> > > compatible one. If you want to follow xbase++ then we will have to drop
> > > current API.
> > Long time ago I ported my contrib/mysql to xbase++, if I remeber correctly I
> > can still use _parc() apis on xbase++, I just have a new set of calls,
> > _conXXX() to deal with containers to a greater extent than it's possible 
> > using
> > compitible extended api. But it was a long time ago, maybe I'm wrong right 
> > now
> > :)
> looking at xbase++ C API description I can find _par*() and _ret*()
> functions very similar to Clipper ones but they need as one of parameters:
>     XppParamList pList
> what in practice means the same as passing pointer to HB_STACK. So they
> have the same names as Clipper ones but needs different parameters so
> works like proposed new MT friendly API.
> > > Few months ago Miguel syncing modifications with Harbour removed from
> > > xHarbour thread local work areas and so far no one reported it as a bug.
> > > It only shows that in practice no one seriously uses MT in xHarbour and
> > > does not even know what should expect.
> > I was not aware that xHarbour had thread local WAs :O
> To be more clear: the WA list was common to all threads but each thread
> had its own current workarea number so it was possible that each thread
> was operating on different workarea. Now current workarea number is common
> to all threads so it's not possible to even use aliased expressions in
> MT code because they need to switch and restore workarea number and such
> operation is not thread local in current xHarbour code.
> best regards,
> Przemek
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