On Mon, 03 Dec 2007, Mike Evans (Gmail) wrote:

Hi Mike,
thanks for informations about xbase++

> Xbase++ Its always MT (Even if you don't start a thread at least the GC is
> running in its own Thread)

Inspector thread which makes GC scan, polls incoming events and serve
background tasks greatly helps to resolve some problems, f.e. it will
allow to eliminate hb_inkeyPoll() from main HVM loop what will increase
speed but it's a little bit different subject then support for MT in
.prg code though bound in some cases, f.e. it's possible to add such
support for Harbour MT even without MT in OS. Also number of OS threads
does not have to be equal to number of user threads. Allocating thread
and context switching costs so it's common practice in modern languages
to use only few OS threads which server many language threads. Unfortunately
it will be hard to make sth like that keeping current API so for sure
the first version of MT in Harbur will allocate OS thread for each .prg

> >It can be done but please remember that xbase++ is single platform project
> >with strictly defined runtime environment so it's much easier to reach
> >such effect.
> You are almost right. Xbase++ support natively OS2 also (except from
> windows).

Both are quite similar,

> Also even if they have an excellent Multithtread engine they had also some
> speed problems, with milticpu systems. So in the last few versions the lock
> every thread on the same CPU (by default). If I remember correctly this
> happen because they have only one thread for GC an if they use concurrently
> many cpu the GC had to lock all the CPUs.

The problem of executing GC in multi thread environment is not unique
to xbase++. We will also have the same problem just like .NET have it.
Stopping all threads during GC pass is the easiest solution and usually
the only one. There are some garbage collectors (f.e. multicolor ones)
designed to work "online" but they do not have to give much better
performance. In some cases they are even less efficient then standard
ones which stop all threads. But this we will discuss when we will have
basic MT support. Now we will have to resolve the problem with cost of
simple MT mode in HVM. We have much better situation then in xHarbour.
Macrocompiler (and compiler) library is fully MT safe and we do not have
any executions context variables which are not stored on HVM stack like
puiClsTree in array structure which causes that super casting on the same
object is not MT safe in xHarbour. RDD code is ready to use in MT mode
and now I'll try to make the same with GT subsystem. When it will be
ready then we will have to define what to do with some global variables/
resources used by RTL (probably it will be good to move set.c code from
RTL to VM) and we can start to update VM for MT. This step should not
take more then few days. Then we can add some MT extensions to language
syntax like monitors (CRITICAL functions/procedures in xHarbour) or
thread local static variables (f.e.: thread static s_var := 1)
Because memvars will be visible in single thread only then we can also
think about adding support for GLOBAL variables.
BTW I'm interesting in variable visibility between threads in xbase++.
I would like to see if we can easy replicate similar behavior. If yes
then maybe we should not reinvent the wheel because it will be easier
for users if we will make it compatible with xbase++
Can I read somewhere about it?

best regards,
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