Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto:
> On Tue, 04 Dec 2007, Maurilio Longo wrote:
> > Przemyslaw and all involved,
> > If I can say what I think, here it is: I'd like to have just one mode, the 
> > MT
> > one, and just one set of extended api, the one we have now. Then, if I don't
> > write .PRG level MT code I simply end up having all my code executed as 
> > thread
> > #1.
> Fatal idea because in the same moment real thread #1 will operate on
> the same data as the other thread(s) which executed the same non MT code.
> Result: internal structure corruption and probably GPF (optimistic situation)
> corruption of external data f.e. stored in data files (worser case).

I think I was not able to explain what I intended to say .)

with a MT only runtime you have two possibilities:

- you write MT .prg code (startThread() and the like)
- you write ST .prg (code ported from clipper)

All your code should be executed by a single thread (let's say #1) and only
code that is explicitly started by a startThread() should be executed by a
different thread.

This way, if you don't use MT extensions explicitly your code has not MT
issues being confined to a single thread (as is with current ST code which is,
in the end, run by a thread).

> > This way GC can be on a different thread, terminals can update on-screen
> > buffer asynchronously from .prg code and so on.
> Sorry but I do not understand. I do not see any relation to GC here or
> allocated resources. How GC will be implemented is only our decision and
> 3-rd party code should not depend on it at all. For us it's only important
> to not define API which may reduce our choices in the future.

It was an example, since .prg gets compiled to .c I cannot have a ST .prg code
linked to ST .C libraries if GC is to be run by a thread. If, otherwise, we
have a MT only runtime than we already have to link to MT .C libraries and as
such we can use threads at the .C level without worring about .prg <-> .c
issues (if there are such issues, I really don't know for sure).

> > It seems to me just a waste to have two sets of apis, two kinds of runtimes,
> > two kinds of libraries and so on when the overhead is a mere 5%, that is, 
> > in a
> > couple of months from now it will be removed by the use of faster cpus.
> Current Clipper compatible API does not allow to create more HVMs in
> single thread programs. It forces using the same number of OS threads

ok, it's clear now.

> as Harbour threads and in some cases it can be serious limitation.
> Please also remember about other then x86 based machines which may
> not follow some of modifications/extensions in the future.
> If need really good and flexible solution then we should create new
> API and remove the old one so whole code will be MT ready.

If this is so, then I'd say let's write a xbase++ compatible api, this will
make it easier for third parties to support harbour as well.

> > Look at xbase++, they just have the threaded model and this is a plus since
> > people start using it sooner or later if it does not require to rewrite 
> > things
> > for MT, or use different libs, makefiles etc etc.
> And xbase++ uses sth like proposed new API and does not support Clipper
> compatible one. If you want to follow xbase++ then we will have to drop
> current API.

Long time ago I ported my contrib/mysql to xbase++, if I remeber correctly I
can still use _parc() apis on xbase++, I just have a new set of calls,
_conXXX() to deal with containers to a greater extent than it's possible using
compitible extended api. But it was a long time ago, maybe I'm wrong right now

> To clarify. MT mode in xHarbour was never finished. Even the goals of MT
> mode was never defined. Some important core elements has been never MT safe.


> Few months ago Miguel syncing modifications with Harbour removed from
> xHarbour thread local work areas and so far no one reported it as a bug.
> It only shows that in practice no one seriously uses MT in xHarbour and
> does not even know what should expect.

I was not aware that xHarbour had thread local WAs :O

Best regards.


> best regards,
> Przemek
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