On Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:44:42 +0100
Ekaitz Zarraga <eka...@elenq.tech> wrote:
> [...] in Git there's no slave.

Personally I find 'main' more accurate precisely because of that.

Git enables to more easily maintain branches (not necessarily in the
same repository) with modifications on top, and/or to diverge, and so
for me using 'main' also convey the idea that people can legitimately
use other branches as well, especially because more than one meaning of
master don't really encourage that ('master copy' and/or power
relationship, though the later is more for the noun than the adjective).

There is also this wording in the manual for the main channel, and here
too the Guix utilities and daemon can also be reused with alternative
repositories (even replacing the main one as I understand, though I'm
unsure if anybody tried that).

In both cases using a more accurate word can empower the users and
promote practical freedoms.


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