I've been thinking through how I feel about this for about a week now.
On one hand I've found a workflow that works for me for applying patches
to trees.  Finding the patches is harder; I almost exclusively rely on
them being sent to me directly as part of the etc/teams script.  When I
do go in search of patches I generally check qa.guix.gnu.org to see
what's building correctly, and I'll check my local maildir of patches.
My local maildir isn't great, all I have is unread is open, read is
closed.  I have a snippet I use in mutt to flag bugs that are closed and
then I can mark them all read.  This only works if an email was sent to
close the bug, not if it was closed using debbugs.el.  I have about 29k
emails in my guix-patches directory and about 110k in the archive
directory for guix-patches.  So to summarize, if a patch is sent to me
directly I have a workflow that I've worked out, but otherwise I almost
never look at the other patches, and even then I'm not always sure if
the patch is already applied or not.

I've never really had to use a webui (or Rich HTML Experience™) for
shared development previously, so the change is (don't say scary!) not
one that I'm looking forward to excitedly.  At least it's not Gitlab,
which I've regularly had poor experiences with since either because of
using icecat or because my browser/GPU was too slow.

I packaged codeberg-cli (https://codeberg.org/Aviac/codeberg-cli) and
forgejo-cli (https://codeberg.org/Cyborus/forgejo-cli/) and generated a
token for codeberg-cli to try and test it out.

(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp$ git clone https://codeberg.org/martianh/fj.el
Cloning into 'fj.el'...

(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
/gnu/store/061f8vbqkdmgb7k8qifyzsx4bfxsxacr-codeberg-cli-0.4.7/bin/berg --help
Codeberg CLI app

Usage: berg [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  api           API subcommands
  auth          Authentication subcommands
  config        Config subcommands
  user          User subcommands
  issue         Issue subcommands
  pull          Pull request subcommands
  label         Label subcommands
  repo          Repository subcommands
  milestone     Milestone subcommands
  notification  Notification subcommands
  completion    Print completion script
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
/gnu/store/061f8vbqkdmgb7k8qifyzsx4bfxsxacr-codeberg-cli-0.4.7/bin/berg pull 
Pull request subcommands

Usage: berg pull <COMMAND>

  list     List pull requests
  create   Create a pull request
  edit     Edit pull request
  view     View details of a selected pull request
  comment  Add comment to selected pull request
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
/gnu/store/061f8vbqkdmgb7k8qifyzsx4bfxsxacr-codeberg-cli-0.4.7/bin/berg pull 
? Select the desired pull request
> #79:main
  #73:Minor fixes to 'fj-render-body'
  #27:test PR: dev into main
  #26:test PR dev into main

(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
/gnu/store/061f8vbqkdmgb7k8qifyzsx4bfxsxacr-codeberg-cli-0.4.7/bin/berg pull 
> Select the desired pull request #27:test PR: dev into main
│ Pull Request        ┆                     │
│ #222527             ┆                     │
│ Title               ┆ test PR: dev into   │
│                     ┆ main                │
│ Created             ┆ 10.07.2024 (209     │
│                     ┆ days ago)           │
│ Labels              ┆                     │
│ Description         ┆                     │

(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
/gnu/store/061f8vbqkdmgb7k8qifyzsx4bfxsxacr-codeberg-cli-0.4.7/bin/berg pull 
> Select the desired pull request #27:test PR: dev into main
? Open editor to write a comment [(e) to open vim, (enter) to submit]
│ Operation was interrupted by the  │
│ user                              │

(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
error: unrecognized subcommand 'notifications'

  tip: a similar subcommand exists: 'notification'

Usage: berg [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

For more information, try '--help'.
(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
notification --help
Notification subcommands

Usage: berg notification <COMMAND>

  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help
(ins)efraim@3900XT /tmp/fj.el$ 
notification list
│ Notification Threads     │
│ (empty)                  │

It looks like it's possible to interact with the majority of what I'd
want from the CLI anyway.  As far as checking the webui, I have to check
qa.guix.gnu.org and other similar sites anyway to see about patch status
and available substitutes, and the codeberg site loads fast enough for
me.  And it looks like I can create, read and comment on issues in a
repo using `berg issue` command so that actually sounds better than what
I have now.

Efraim Flashner   <efr...@flashner.co.il>   אפרים פלשנר
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