Hello Ian,

Am Sat, Feb 08, 2025 at 08:33:14AM -0800 schrieb Ian Eure:
> - The QA status on issues.guix.gnu.org is not very useful.  By far  the most
> common thing to see here is "QA: Unknown,"  with no  indication of why it’s
> unknown or when it may become known[1].  Sometimes this is infrastructure
> failures; other times, QA is  overloaded.  Both present the same way.  The
> important  information this should provide is, in large part, absent.  In
> turn, that makes it much harder for contributors -- particularly
> non-committers -- to ascertain if a given patch is problematic  or not.

my understanding is that moving to Codeberg would not automatically
enable QA, but that we would still need to connect our own QA to the
forge CI system. So this issue is essentially independent of where we
host our sources - if any, the need for additional development could
slow things down (but maybe the end result would be a simpler system,
I do not know).

> - The depth of patch review is inconsistent depending on the  reviewer,
> which I believe is due to lacking a consistent process  for doing so.
> Forge-style CI would improve this: it could  report whether a package passes
> `guix lint', whether it triggers  a large number of rebuilds, etc.  The
> consistent application of  these standards will, I believe, both ease burden
> on committers  (you don’t have to remember to check these things) and raise
> the  consistency of these policies getting applied.

I think the main problem will remain the availability of reviewers,
which again is independent of where the issues are hosted. But indeed,
having a form where reviewers can check what they have done might make
things easier.


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