October 18, 2022 3:42 PM, "Zain Jabbar" <zaijab2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is a minimal reproducible(-ish needs change in module name)
> example configuration which installs =emacs-debbugs= (and not much
> else).

Cool I am CC-ing guix devel.

> #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
> (define-module (zaijab minimal-working-example)
> #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
> #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
> #:use-module (gnu home)
> #:use-module (gnu packages)
> #:use-module (gnu services)
> #:use-module (gnu home services)
> #:use-module (gnu services)
> #:use-module (gnu services configuration)
> #:use-module (guix gexp)
> #:use-module (guix transformations))
> (define file-likes? (list-of file-like?))
> (define-configuration/no-serialization emacs-configuration
> (emacs-packages
> (file-likes (list (specification->package "emacs-next"))) "Files")
> (early-init
> (list '()) "Early-Init")
> (init
> (list '()) "Init"))
> (define debuggs-configuration
> (emacs-configuration
> (emacs-packages (list (specification->package "emacs-debbugs")))))
> (define-public total-emacs-configuration
> (fold (lambda (config-1 config-2) (emacs-configuration
> (init (append (emacs-configuration-init config-1)
> (emacs-configuration-init config-2)))
> (early-init (append (emacs-configuration-early-init config-1)
> (emacs-configuration-early-init config-2)))
> (emacs-packages (append (emacs-configuration-emacs-packages config-1)
> (emacs-configuration-emacs-packages config-2)))))
> (emacs-configuration)
> (filter emacs-configuration?
> (map variable-ref
> (filter variable-bound?
> (hash-map->list (lambda (x y) y) (struct-ref (current-module) 0)))))))
> (define-public emacs-configuration-service
> (service-type (name (symbol-append 'emacs-configuration))
> (extensions
> (list (service-extension
> home-profile-service-type
> (lambda (config) (emacs-configuration-emacs-packages config)))
> (service-extension
> home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
> (lambda (config)
> (list
> `("emacs/init.el" ,(scheme-file "init.el"
> (emacs-configuration-init config)
> #:splice? #:t))
> `("emacs/early-init.el" ,(scheme-file "early-init.el"
> (emacs-configuration-early-init config)
> #:splice? #:t)))))))
> (default-value (emacs-configuration))
> (description "Configures Emacs init.el")))
> (define-public minimal-home-environment
> (home-environment
> (services (list (service emacs-configuration-service
> total-emacs-configuration)))))
> minimal-home-environment

I wonder why you do the define total-emacs-configuration...is it possible
to define an emacs-configuration something like this?

Forgive the possibly wrong syntax, I don't use guix home

(service emacs-configuration-service
(list emacs-debbugs
(init (text-file "init-file.el"
"(evil-mode 1)\n
;; other configuration stuff")))))

> I tested this using =guix home container -N
> minimal-working-example.scm=. Typing =M-x debbugs-gnu= gives a menu of
> bugs. I made sure the debbugs configuration is necessary by commenting
> it out, re-running =guix home container= and seeing that =M-x debb
> [TAB]= pulls up nothing. I think it works. Woo-hoo!

When I tested the home container via terminal foot I get a weird error:

warning: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR doesn't exists, on-first-login script
won't execute anything. You can check if xdg runtime directory exists,
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR variable is set to appropriate value and manually execute the
script by running '$HOME/.guix-home/on-first-login'-bash-5.1$ emacs
emacs: Terminal type foot is not defined.
If that is not the actual type of terminal you have,
use the Bourne shell command 'TERM=...; export TERM' (C-shell:
'setenv TERM ...') to specify the correct type. It may be necessary
to do 'unset TERMINFO' (C-shell: 'unsetenv TERMINFO') as well.

That's probably just foot being weird.

In lxterminal, emacs started fine. However, doing a M-x info RET

m Debbugs RET

I get this error in emacs:

"Creating file with prefx: No such file or directory /tmp/jka-com"

Anyway, definitely go ahead and send it to guix-patches!

> Thank you for telling me about the =,build= meta command. It looks
> very useful! I will need to figure out how to use it from =M-x
> geiser-guile=. I have built this code by doing the following:
> - open VTerm
> - guix repl
> - ,use (guix)
> - ,use (MODULE-NAME) ;; in my case this was (zaijab minimal-working-example)
> - ,build minimal-home-environment

Once you get geiser set up and clone the git repo, and compile everything...
inside the guix-src code...whatever file you are currently working on
C-c C-a opens up that file in the repl.  It's super awesome to be able to 
throw in some code evaluate it on the fly.


> I will be learning how to use the Git patching system soon. I will add
> more documentation when I submit the patch. I'll be sure to CC you as
> well. Thank you for your assistance.
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 8:42 AM <jbra...@dismail.de> wrote:
>> October 18, 2022 1:55 PM, "Zain Jabbar" <zaijab2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Aloha Guix Development Team,
>> Thank you for your email. I attribute my successes to the fantastic
>> documentation and my failures (as you will see in this email) to my
>> own inability to read the documentation.
>> I meant to mention, have you tried using ",build" in a geiser repl?
>> It lets you build derivations/gexps and shows you the output in
>> the store. I have found that super helpful when building my only
>> guix service (not merged yet).
>> From what I can tell, yes. Emacs does find the packages you install
>> using this mechanism and loading them behaves as though you installed
>> from a manifest. Let me know if you have a package you wish to test. I
>> can email the results.
>> emacs-debbugs. If it works, then that is awesome! Well done!
>> But I would need more guidance to answer this question fully. There
>> are some points of confusion I have relating to profiles and package
>> availability. I will try to give my best answer using the
>> documentation, source code, then a demo.
>> One thing I can say for sure is that the packages are installed using
>> the =home-profile-service-type=. According to the documentation at
>> 13.3.1 Essential Home Services the =home-profile-service-type= can be
>> "extended with a list of packages if you want to install additional
>> packages into your profile".
>> According to the source code in guix/gnu/home/services.scm
>> #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
>> ;; [In the big comment block line 76]
>> ;;; home-profile-service-type is almost the same as
>> profile-service-type, at least
>> ;;; for now.
>> .... ;; [Within the definition for home-profile-service-type (line 161)]
>> (description
>> "This is the @dfn{home profile} and can be found in
>> @file{~/.guix-home/profile}. It contains packages and
>> configuration files that the user has declared in their
>> @code{home-environment} record."))
>> #+END_SRC
>> It appears that using this configuration it installs it into the
>> =~/.guix-home/profile=. Here is where I get a bit confused, when
>> running =guix package --list-profiles= I get
>> =/home/zjabbar/.config/guix/current= and
>> =/home/zjabbar/.guix-profile=, neither of which are my home profile.
>> Here is a demo.
>> I do not have the =emacs-suneater-theme= package installed using my manifest.
>> =guix package -I suneater= returns nothing when run in the terminal.
>> After saving this configuration in the module:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
>> (define theme-configuration
>> (emacs-configuration
>> (emacs-packages (list (specification->package "emacs-suneater-theme")))
>> (init '((load-theme 'suneater t)))))
>> #+END_SRC
>> I find that Guix downloads and builds the package. After restarting
>> Emacs, it comes up with the new theme and =M-x describe-theme= finds
>> it and everything. That being said, =guix package -I suneater= *still*
>> returns nothing when run in the terminal. I suppose it's because the
>> theme was installed without using the =guix install= command
>> specifically.
>> =guix package -A suneater= does show me that suneater is available.
>> However after deleting or commenting out the configuration in that
>> source block, Emacs does not load the theme and Emacs cannot find the
>> theme using =M-x describe-theme=. But =guix package -A suneater= still
>> shows me that suneater is available. So it was removed according to
>> Emacs but not to guix. I am likely not looking at the right =guix
>> package= options.
>> It sounds like you have created the home-emacs service is a way that works.
>> I think your next move would be submit it guix-patc...@gnu.org.
>> Feel free to CC me in the email.
>> https://git-send-email.io
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua
> --
> Thank you,
> Zain Jabbar
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 8:42 AM <jbra...@dismail.de> wrote:
>> October 18, 2022 1:55 PM, "Zain Jabbar" <zaijab2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Aloha Guix Development Team,
>> Thank you for your email. I attribute my successes to the fantastic
>> documentation and my failures (as you will see in this email) to my
>> own inability to read the documentation.
>> I meant to mention, have you tried using ",build" in a geiser repl?
>> It lets you build derivations/gexps and shows you the output in
>> the store. I have found that super helpful when building my only
>> guix service (not merged yet).
>> From what I can tell, yes. Emacs does find the packages you install
>> using this mechanism and loading them behaves as though you installed
>> from a manifest. Let me know if you have a package you wish to test. I
>> can email the results.
>> emacs-debbugs. If it works, then that is awesome! Well done!
>> But I would need more guidance to answer this question fully. There
>> are some points of confusion I have relating to profiles and package
>> availability. I will try to give my best answer using the
>> documentation, source code, then a demo.
>> One thing I can say for sure is that the packages are installed using
>> the =home-profile-service-type=. According to the documentation at
>> 13.3.1 Essential Home Services the =home-profile-service-type= can be
>> "extended with a list of packages if you want to install additional
>> packages into your profile".
>> According to the source code in guix/gnu/home/services.scm
>> #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
>> ;; [In the big comment block line 76]
>> ;;; home-profile-service-type is almost the same as
>> profile-service-type, at least
>> ;;; for now.
>> .... ;; [Within the definition for home-profile-service-type (line 161)]
>> (description
>> "This is the @dfn{home profile} and can be found in
>> @file{~/.guix-home/profile}. It contains packages and
>> configuration files that the user has declared in their
>> @code{home-environment} record."))
>> #+END_SRC
>> It appears that using this configuration it installs it into the
>> =~/.guix-home/profile=. Here is where I get a bit confused, when
>> running =guix package --list-profiles= I get
>> =/home/zjabbar/.config/guix/current= and
>> =/home/zjabbar/.guix-profile=, neither of which are my home profile.
>> Here is a demo.
>> I do not have the =emacs-suneater-theme= package installed using my manifest.
>> =guix package -I suneater= returns nothing when run in the terminal.
>> After saving this configuration in the module:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
>> (define theme-configuration
>> (emacs-configuration
>> (emacs-packages (list (specification->package "emacs-suneater-theme")))
>> (init '((load-theme 'suneater t)))))
>> #+END_SRC
>> I find that Guix downloads and builds the package. After restarting
>> Emacs, it comes up with the new theme and =M-x describe-theme= finds
>> it and everything. That being said, =guix package -I suneater= *still*
>> returns nothing when run in the terminal. I suppose it's because the
>> theme was installed without using the =guix install= command
>> specifically.
>> =guix package -A suneater= does show me that suneater is available.
>> However after deleting or commenting out the configuration in that
>> source block, Emacs does not load the theme and Emacs cannot find the
>> theme using =M-x describe-theme=. But =guix package -A suneater= still
>> shows me that suneater is available. So it was removed according to
>> Emacs but not to guix. I am likely not looking at the right =guix
>> package= options.
>> It sounds like you have created the home-emacs service is a way that works.
>> I think your next move would be submit it guix-patc...@gnu.org.
>> Feel free to CC me in the email.
>> https://git-send-email.io
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua
> --
> Thank you,
> Zain Jabbar

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