Hi Zain, and welcome!

Zain Jabbar <zaijab2...@gmail.com> skribis:

> Running =guix home search emacs= returns nothing. I also could not find an
> email using =C-u M-x debbugs-gnu= about an Emacs configuration service.
> This is my first email to this mailing address. Please give me pointers on
> formatting and further improvements.
> I have attempted to make an =emacs-home-service-type= so that it is
> possible to configure Emacs using Guix home. This code is extremely
> preliminary hence I don't even think it is worth sending as a patch. Also I
> have never worked on a multi person Git project before and do not know how
> to solve the keyring error I get when using guix pull. I will outline what
> my code does and what features I would like to add.

I am all for something like you describe, and the code you sent may be
good starting point!

The rde project¹ by Andrew Tropin et al. may be a good source of
inspiration.  The “features” abstraction in particular seems to be
well-suited for Emacs.  But overall it’s reasonable to start small, with
a low-level approach to combine and configure Emacs packages.


¹ https://trop.in/rde/manual

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