
On Fri, 22 Oct 2021 at 12:49, Arun Isaac <arunis...@systemreboot.net> wrote:

> > These are all excellent ideas, and seeing you articulate them
> > makes me happy, because in my experience there’s always good code
> > around the corner whenever you have good ideas :)

It remember me this wishlist: Use Message-ID for indexing instead numbering.


Let take an example.  This is indexing #2,


is fine when using a browser but it is pain from Emacs-Notmuch (or any
descent email client) where is it really easy to get the Message-ID.
For instance, I have to open my browser, scroll to find the relevant
message, copy the URL, go back to my email, paste the link for
publicly sharing it.  Message-ID is the natural email-indexing, thus
it appears to me natural to use when the workflow is email-based. :-)

The wishlist is to also allow this:


as it is done with public-inbox, see

Using a bit of Emacs Lisp glue (or submit it to debbugs.el or Gnus),
it becomes easier for both world.


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