Hi Simon,

October 22, 2021 11:22 AM, "zimoun" <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> On Fri, 22 Oct 2021 at 08:37, "Jonathan McHugh" 
> <indieterminacy@libre.brussels> wrote:
>> Its also worth citing some of the suggestions in this devel-guix thread 
>> concerning tooling or
>> options:
>> https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2021-08/msg00042.html
> Thanks.
>> Suggestions included:
>> Bugs Everywhere https://bugs-everywhere.readthedocs.io/en/latest
>> Git-Issue https://github.com/dspinellis/git-issue
>> Fossil https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/bugtheory.wiki
>> IMHO, I though Bugs Everywhere was the most interesting, though it may have 
>> experienced some
>> bitrot.
> Git based, it is possible to use public-inbox with:
> <https://yhetil.org/guix-bugs>

Yes, Arun has recommended public-inbox before, Im enthused by anything he uses 
or packages.

>> More recently I have been deliberating on the idea of using a MUD type
>> tool as an interface for issue and bugtracking.
> Yeah, maybe gamify the review could help. Maybe Libreadventure could
> help.
> 1: <https://vcs.fsf.org/?p=libreadventure.git;a=tree>
> 2: <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2021-09/msg00208.html>
Thanks for the catch, I had forgotten that one (and your appeal for someebody 
to package it!).

The fact its been trialed with FSF and could be Guix Days compatible is a big 

TBH, having mastered lua/jit I would feel a bit dirty packaging NPN to satisfy 
something that Lua would be better suited for. What are the 
(technical/usability) advantages of choosing LibreAdventure?

I will reflect on this, though Im (personally) more interested in building 
worlds from GemText than JSON.

# One more suggestion
Has anybody ever considered or used psyc - Protocol for Synchronous 

(its how I discovered Powwow)

``` description
Imagine smartly multicasted chat and conferencing, non-proprietary instant 
messaging, distributed social networking and data sharing. And now imagine all 
of this rolled into one. PSYC is an open source protocol and technology, 
bringing the useful and amazing aspects of several technologies, some of which 
have been proprietary too long, together. 

It has a curious mixture of bit ambition and long history but I cant (yet) tell 
how modern and functional it is.
Pscyc utilities seem interesting
git2psyc        - report changes to a git repository into a developer chatroom
psycauth        - authenticate something with your PSYC identity
psyccat         - dump a file to a PSYC recipient
psyccmd         - remote control psycamp and whatever wants to be controlled
psycfilemonitor*- notify changes to the file system in realtime
psycion         - amazing console psyc client!
psyclisten      - receive messages and notify the user about them
psycmail        - report incoming emails to the recipient
psycamp*        - media player with PSYC notification and remote control
psycmsg         - send a message to a PSYC recipient
psycnotify      - send presence notification from the command line
psycsyncd       - interfaces PSYC SYNC protocol to DBI (SQL databases etc)
syslog2psyc     - daemon that receives events from syslog and forwards to PSYC
remotor         - control console for Tor routers that can notify into PSYC

For my purposes, the PSYC Syntax Specification could potentially serve 
orthogonal aspects for complementing the design principles of the Gemini 


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