Hi Simon, I had noticed Woof and it does seem interesting and worthy of analysis.
I should point out that the Ogmode community have the same problems and complaints regarding the governance and efficacy of issue/bug tracking. This is a socio-technological problem, which hopefully has solutions which can cut across communities. Its also worth citing some of the suggestions in this devel-guix thread concerning tooling or options: https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2021-08/msg00042.html Suggestions included: Bugs Everywhere https://bugs-everywhere.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Git-Issue https://github.com/dspinellis/git-issue Fossil https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/bugtheory.wiki IMHO, I though Bugs Everywhere was the most interesting, though it may have experienced some bitrot. More recently I have been deliberating on the idea of using a MUD type tool as an interface for issue and bugtracking. It seems that Powwow would be capable of using scripts in an interesting way. https://www.hoopajoo.net/static/powwow-mirror/powwow/index.html This interests me: ``` Powwow also implements the MUME remote editing protocol, which enables you to edit texts on the MUD using your own favourite editor, several texts at once if you have a windowing terminal. ``` Im also investigating Tintin++ https://tintin.mudhalla.net/ I personally would find it interesting to create 'conversational models' for issue/bug tracking in such an environment, backed by: * interoperability with computing environments * interpreting infrastructure * projectile style configurations * supplementary protocols * light writing formats * configs and bindings to provide workflow A MUD type inferface is perhaps only a speculative concern but Id be interested in hearing -/+ opinions and interest levels, if not practical suggestions. As some may be aware, I have been considering the issue/bug tracking topic from the perspective of the Gemini protocol (though now with a wider scale than just comsidering Debbugs). That is proceeding, though I was impeeded by some physical setbacks (status:resolved) and completing wider responsibilities. Now back in the flow, I will provide updates once my projects start perculating. @Arun please mail me privately regarding your plans, Id like to hear about where they may be intersections. @Christine I look forward to replying to your (private) mail in due course - apoligies for radio silence. If you have suggestions regarding how Guix can go MUD Im sure we'd all be interested! Kind regards, ==================== Jonathan McHugh indieterminacy@libre.brussels October 22, 2021 9:44 AM, "zimoun" <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Arun, > > On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 at 23:51, Arun Isaac <arunis...@systemreboot.net> wrote: > >> The way I see it, we are outgrowing general purpose bug trackers like >> debbugs. We need a special purpose bug tracker specifically for Guix >> with its special requirements. We are a big enough community for this to >> be important. > > For an example of such «special purpose bug tracker», give a look at > what Org-mode people do: > > <https://updates.orgmode.org> > > Well, it is currently down. It looks like that: > > <https://web.archive.org/web/20210228064154/https://updates.orgmode.org> > > The code running it is Woof (lisp based): > > <https://github.com/bzg/woof> > > Maybe there are some ideas to borrow. :-) > > Cheers, > simon