On 01/31/2018 at 18:27 Pjotr Prins writes:

> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 11:58:09AM -0500, myg...@gmail.com wrote:
>> To be explicit, I added a couple target groups and indicated the product
>> we would pitch with an x ...
>> | Target Group                | Guix | GuixSD | Motivation                   
>>         |
>> |-----------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------------|
>> | hacker                      | x    | x      | scheme, functional, free     
>> | sysadmin & devop            | x    | ?      | make 
>> user/developer/researcher happy 
> I doubt they will use GuixSD unless they have a very specific purpose
> in mind, e.g., say for mailserver deployment. Cloud/VMs. It could
> work, but I don't think it is a large group we can pitch to.

What about a forward-thinking sysadmin commissioning new systems for a
startup? If they know they want Guix is there a reason they wouldn't
install GuixSD?

>> | user/developer/researcher   | x    |        | productivity tool
> This is my favorite because they are potential packagers.
>> | generic organizational user | ?    |        | ?                            
>>         |
> Yes, another target group, i.e., the pointy haired boss. Some of these
> understand the concept of reducing cost.

Here I am thinking of "unsophisticated" users, e.g., someone told to run
SAS on a server that is probably not going to actually ever call guix.

>> | desktop distro user         |      | ?      | ?                            
>>         |
> Libre desktop user. Yes.
>> |-----------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------------|
> We also have embedded systems and phones as a potential audience. I
> think OpenWRT/LEDE, for example, could buy into Guix. And then there
> is Android. If we are able to strip down packages to a minimum that
> becomes very interesting to them.

OK, so like this ?

>> | Target Group                | Guix | GuixSD | 
>> | embedded sys/phone          |      | x      |

> Then we have HPC as a specialization with optimized targets and
> relocatable packages.

OK, so like this?

>> | Target Group                | Guix | GuixSD | 
>> | HPC sysadmin                | x    | x      | optimized targets and 
>> relocatable packages
> And light containers for webservice/cloud deployments...

Is this more detail on HPC or something else entirely?

TIA - George

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