On 01/29/2018 at 08:37 Pjotr Prins writes:

> On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 11:14:15PM -0500, myg...@gmail.com wrote:
>> > I’m not a fan of sales messages and that kind of language
>> > (“introducing”, “the first foo to do bar”, etc); I also don’t like that
>> > these are all worded negatively, which is something we should avoid.
>> OK but keep in mind that we have very little time to capture a
>> prospective user's attention. You normally do this by saying what is
>> unique about a product and what problem it solves.  This is my attempt
>> at points that might convince a sysadmin and/or user to try
>> Guix/GuixSD. We can make it less salesy. But are the points wrong?  Is
>> something missing? Are there better points to make?
> The case is a bit complicated here. Not only do we present two
> products we also have multiple audiences. The current website (in the
> true GNU spirit) addresses hackers. That works because Guix was WIP
> and needed more of those. The hacker spirit has served us and still
> serves us.
> But to popularize Guix we have at least two other audiences. The first
> one 'sysadmins' and 'devops' is an important one because we need to
> get Guix on systems they control. This proves to be a hard sell in my
> experience.  Mostly, I think, because sysadmins are not aware of the
> benefits - or simply don't want to be aware. No kidding, I have
> encountered that a few times. 
> Then there are end-users and developers who can use Guix for their
> purposes and it would liberate them.
> The net benefit for all is gaining control, reproducibility and
> (hopefully) saving time.
> I.e., to have a successful sales pitch you'll need to address 2*3=6
> targets.

To be explicit, I added a couple target groups and indicated the product
we would pitch with an x ...

| Target Group                | Guix | GuixSD | Motivation                      
| hacker                      | x    | x      | scheme, functional, free        
| sysadmin & devop            | x    | ?      | make user/developer/researcher 
happy |
| user/developer/researcher   | x    |        | productivity tool               
| generic organizational user | ?    |        | ?                               
| desktop distro user         |      | ?      | ?                               

Note: "?" - not sure

WDYT? - George

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