Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> writes:

> Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> writes:
>>> I've attached a workaround that I've been using for the last 6 weeks on
>>> my MIPS-based Yeeloong running GuixSD, since it only has 1 GB of RAM and
>>> otherwise it would not be able to successfully build the 'guix' package.
>>> Note that I never use 'guix pull', so I'm not sure off-hand whether this
>>> solves the problem there, but it certainly greatly reduces the memory
>>> needed to run 'make' and thus to build the 'guix' package.
>> thank you for this patch.  I’m trying it on my i686 with 1GB of RAM now.
>> My own attempt to revert the commit to build all files in one process
>> resulted in a guix pull that would only go to 20.4% and then sit there
>> doing nothing.
>> I’ll report back once I manage to run “guix pull --url=/path/to/guix”
>> with this patch.

Well… I just noticed that guix pull doesn’t even use compile-all.scm; it
uses build-self.scm, so this patch has no effect on “guix pull”.

I’ll try to come up with another fix for guix pull.


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