2017-03-18 12:45 GMT+01:00 Mathieu Lirzin <m...@gnu.org>:

> ng0 <contact....@cryptolab.net> writes:
> > John Darrington transcribed 2.0K bytes:
> >
> >> I am glad that at least one person can express a point of view  and be
> polite about
> >> it at the same time.   If you think it is fine, then it is your right
> to use it.
> >>
> >> I find it confusing and clunky in most cases, and I refuse to use it.
>   I also
> >> reserve the right, when others advocate its use, to present my own
> point of view.
> >>
> >> If anyone chooses  to  interpret that as rude, sexist, intolerant or
> whatever - then
> >> that is their problem and not mine.  They will have to get over it.
> >
> > Okay, so you are just one of those ignorant assholes who drive people
> > away from projects because they think their are the middle of the
> > universe and other problems don't exist because they have never
> > experienced them and oh deity forbid if someone insults their holy
> > grammarbooks and linguists. Cool. Glad that we have solved that.
> >
> > That's actually the first time that I'm not polite. But I can't be
> > polite to ignorant people. I just won't work with you anymore and ignore
> > you, as you choose to ignore other people with your behavior and
> > invalidate their existence and bother them with your view of what's
> > "correct" and what's not.
> This reaction is highly intolerant and not acceptable in this community.
> Disagreeing doesn't justify being rude or insulting people.

I wholeheartedly disagree

ng0's reaction is legitimate and due.

ng0 is being shown hostility.

I don't see why hostility is legitimate when one side expresses it but it's
not legitimate anymore when a reaction comes.

I don't see why John should be allowed to say "I will raise this and if
anyone feels hit they will have to deal with it"

and people's reaction to this wold be not acceptable.

The result of ng0's reaction to be deemed unacceptable would be that a
transgender person raising the issue of gendered pronouns would be dealt
with a shrug and their reaction would be dealt with... what ?

I find your remark not only ridiculous. I find it discriminating.

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