On 28/09/15 00:20, Panicz Maciej Godek wrote:
> Delimited continuations are an academic curiosity, and sockets and
> regexps are just a specific domain (I'm sure you could easily find
> plenty of others; anyway, they are by no means fundamental)

Sorry, but I have to comment on this. So did people think of lambdas,
map, reduce and the rest
of list/array collective manipulation procedures, but look at the new
Java/C++ et al standards. It just
so happened that they have implemented them decades after they
achieved their normal use
in languages like Lisp and Scheme. I wonder when we'll finally get
tail calls and named lets  in the
mainstream languages :).

I fully understand Taylan's point of view. Scheme has more expressive
power than any other dynamic
language I have encountered. I am trying to use it for day-to-day
tasks which used to be difficult
only because the batteries were not included. Maybe for you it's a
nice little language to demo great
coding ideas, but it can be a practical platform as Guile
demonstrates. Unfortunately for the novice programmers
the practicality of Guile only becomes clear after one can use its
nifty FFI to patch up the
still unimplemented features.

In a sense, I don't think it is so necessary to have a practical
Scheme standard as long as there is at
least one implementation that can be used to perform with ease 90% of
tasks a modern programmer needs to
tackle. And, yeah, I'd love to see the core scheme kept clean.

All the best...

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