Hi Prasad,

Thanks very much for your comprehensive review and sharing of thoughts. Replies inline:

On 8/11/24 06:34, Narasimha Prasad S N (snprasad) wrote:

On the Router side and in our internal test BMP collector as well, we maintain 
a Peer DB with its capabilities cached.
- The trigger to add a peer to this DB would be peer config on Router side and 
Peer-Up on the BMP collector side
- The trigger to delete a peer from this DB would be Peer unconfig on the 
Router side and a Peer-down on the test BMP collector.
- The peer capabilities get updated across few other triggers (across peer 
(Note: ignoring the LRIB Emulated peer case & couple of other cases to keep 
above explanation simple for now)

We are full in sync with this.

1. Do you maintain similar peer DBs on your BMP collectors ? if NOT, what is 
challenge of keeping one please ?

So, yes, the online BMP collector in itself is not an issue. It builds state and keeps it. Should the collector be re-started, the state will re-build according to the practices of rfc7854.

2. I am wondering, if we follow above, the update to offline collector could be 
trigger based (Peer-Up or Peer-Down). And we could avoid the need for periodic 
refreshes. And for cases when the connection to offline collector is lost, it 
would be a full-refresh of the Peer-DB.

An offline collector (or consumer) would realistically be a piece of stream processing software reading a data stream from files, a message bus, ie. Kafka, or a time-series database.

In other words - and i believe this will clarify a lot - the online BMP collector does not act as a BMP exporter to the offline BMP collector. Hence Peer summary messages would be instrumental for this piece of offline software to build state while parsing a saved stream of BMP data.

3. Does the connection between online and offline BMP collectors already exist ?
- If not, thoughts on operational aspects/complexity of introducing and 
maintaining connection between them.
- If yes, could you please share more context on that - this would be a 

I think the second part of my answer to #2 does clarify this. And the goal is to try not to have collectors "invent" a way to save the table of peers and rather supply a standardized way to do it.

4. It should be simple to generate periodic updates from the Router side, if 
- As a best practice we should try and limit BMP collectors talking to Router to a 
couple when possible & do the mirroring outside of it. So even if we did this 
on Router side, the Router would talk to Online BMP collector which could then talk 
to other offline BMP collectors.

Awesome, thanks for confirming!

5. In the draft, it will be helpful to include following for clarity
a. Diagram(s) that show the flow defined is between BMP collectors, as this 
part is covered in the last section of the draft, so one may almost miss this 
b. If this is for real BGP peers or if we are interested in Emulated Peers (for 
LRIB case)
c. Error Handling scenarios
d. Location / connection mgmt. aspects between BMP collectors

All indeed good points, will add more text.

About b) let me say that, yes, we would be interested also in Emulated Peers (for Loc-RIB case). Probably my previous elaborations in this email would already go in this direction.

About c), yeah, this is what probably monopolized the attention of Luuk and myself, see where this can go wrong especially if this - generating summaries - gets a function of both the router and the online collector; probably by now we are convinced that it should be function of either one or the other but let's let us all reflect more.

About a), d) absolutely, point taken.

We can meet and discuss more offline.

Certainly, any time, it would be a pleasure!


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