Hi Joe, Algin,
The chairs cruelly cut off questions from the microphone, but I was
going to ask about rfc9255 - "The 'I' in RPKI Does Not Stand for
Identity". It looks like you're aiming to use the RPKI as an identity
mechanism to associate the owner of a number resource with the number
resource itself.
I don't if this really works. The owner of a number resource is a legal
entity with a name. A LOA needs to be able to directly link that name
with the number resource. In term of validation, the records linking the
name and resource will be held by an IRR / NIR, so that authorisation
would need to be handled using information from there.
In short, I get what you're trying to aim at, and it might be that what
you're doing here could even work in practice - sorta. But so far I'm
not convinced that this is a good approach.
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