Hi John, > *> Thus its trait of littering non-text files around> on Unix due to the > last line not ending in ASCII LF.*
You weird quoting is broken; see `around>'. > What do you mean? I've never seen Emacs do this (unless you mean those > lockfile symlinks it creates whilst editing a file). Creating a new file in Emacs with a line of ‘hello world!’ would create a file that did not end in a linefeed. Emacs believes LF separates lines, whereas Unix and POSIX think LF terminates lines. Unix programs would handle these files in different ways, including silently ignoring the incomplete final line. One would find the miscreant Emacs user and tell them to setq; they weren't on ITS now. https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Customize-Save.html > *> Emacs wasn't either.* > > Well, we all know GNU's Not Unix. ;-) ITS certaintly wasn't. -- Cheers, Ralph.