Something I didn't know about our fellow correspondent Doug

Groff would be terribly less useful if it didn't adhere to this
standard. I've always thought of this in terms of groff being a
filter, but I can't remember where I got the "filter" terminology

And can anyone tell me why Donald Knuth did not design TeX this
way? This has always puzzled me and is the main reason I rarely
use it.

        -- Steve

Steve Izma
Home: 35 Locust St., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada  N2H 1W6
E-mail:  phone: 519-745-1313  cell: 519-998-2684

I have always felt the necessity to verify what to many seemed a
simple multiplication table.
        -- Ilya Ehrenburg (Soviet author and critic; he's not
           talking about mathematics)

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