Happy new (Christian++) year everybody. Tadziu Hoffmann <hoffm...@usm.uni-muenchen.de> wrote: |> [...] and also supports five different builtin styles for |> verbatim output instead of only a silly numbered one. | |Okay, I'm curious. What different styles apart from numbering |could there possibly be? (I can't think of any, except of |course for variants of this, such as numbering only every |fifth line, or numbering only lines containing text and |skipping empty ones, or setting the number in a different |color/font/size, etc.)
No, no.. It's really just that i don't have this in roff. And no, i was impressed from Eckel's ?Thinking in Java? style, which was so different to all the rest. (Unfortunately that made me buy his ?Thinking in C++? one or two years later and that wasn't really it.) Everybody goes the spiral staircase, so to say. But on Tucholsky's "talking writing silence" i'm on two at most. ^.^ Whereas the styles are pretty basic, the really great thing on my TeX package was that almost everything was hookable; builtin: % 5 (default) styles. The numbered (inside) ones are ok for up to 9999 lines \def\@verbatim@I{\hbox{}}% I = EMPTY \def\@verbatim@II{% II = Numbered; number inside document; {\smallest\it\hbox to 3em{\hfill\number\@count@verbatimno}\hbox to.84em{}}% } \def\@verbatim@III{% III = Numbered; number shifted to the left margin \llap{{\smallest\it\number\@count@verbatimno}\hbox to.84em{}}% } \def\@verbatim@IV{% IV = black border left; border inside document \vbox{\kern-3pt\vstrutbox{3}}\hbox to.84em{}% } \def\@verbatim@V{% V = black border left; border shifted to the left margin. \llap{\vbox{\kern-3pt\vstrutbox{3}}\hbox to.84em{}}% } A default to be chosen from by simple command \def\setVerbatimStyle#1{% \def\@@value{#1}\def\@@value@{I}% \ifx\@@value\@@value@% \setHookVerbatimStyle{\@verbatim@I}% .. } \setVerbatimStyle{III}% Default is III But you could adjust a lot of even those by doing some hooks % Hooks \def\setHookVerbatimPre#1{\gdef\@hook@verbatim@pre{#1}}% \setHookVerbatimPre{\tt}% \def\setHookVerbatimAfter#1{\gdef\@hook@verbatim@after{#1}}% \setHookVerbatimAfter{}% \def\setHookVerbatimStyle#1{% set in the style-section below \gdef\@verbatim@baseStyle{% \global\advance\@count@verbatimno by\TRUE\relax% \hSkip{\@verbatim@leftindent}{#1}% }% % one can choose "local" styles. this is used to restore the global \global\let\@hook@verbatim@style\@verbatim@baseStyle% }% % Dimen \def\setVerbatimLeftIndent#1{\gdef\@verbatim@leftindent{#1}}% \setVerbatimLeftIndent{0pt}% (I was sooo proud of that stuff and even wanted to write a book. Maybe good that the c't magazine distributed a virus on CD in a program called Street Graphics or so and that i forgot my PGP password to restore from backup.) --steffen