Tadziu Hoffmann <hoffm...@usm.uni-muenchen.de> wrote: |> A trap set just below the current output position could record |> the maximum .n seen on this page, moving the trap down each time. | |Indeed, trapping output instead of input would have the added |advantage that overlong lines could be detected even if the |text was processed in fill mode. | |> At the bottom of the page, if the maximum is too long, flag |> this page as a problem; for example, .tm output, or add |> something to the page itself for searching. | |But if we're only interested in flagging the output pages |with no direct connection to the location of the problematic |material in the input, then trapping every single output line |strikes me as a bit complicated. I'd suggest simply diverting |the page contents and then testing the diversion's width.
Simply dumping into a diversion is what i do for my VERBATIM macro, too. I'm however not testing the width. It seems i never made it yet to overtake that from my partially lost TeX package, which actually does, and also supports five different builtin styles for verbatim output instead of only a silly numbered one. What a shame. (I refrained from posting wonderful hookable TeX code to this list at this point, but i also do love it! And roff, but i didn't know that back then.) |(If one is doing multi-column output then I guess it would |be expedient to divert the output anyway, so this could be |conveniently combined with testing for overlong lines.) --steffen