Hi Carsten,

Carsten Kunze writes:
> "Anthony J. Bentley" <anth...@cathet.us> wrote:
> > I agree that `` '' makes no sense in modern ASCII; even in an xterm they
> > look unbalanced. " " would probably be a saner ASCII result for Dq,
> > \(lq, \*(Lq, and so forth, but I don't know how complicated a change
> > that would be or if there would be any larger implications to making
> > such a change. I believe the patch in my previous email is the correct
> > behavior for the non-ASCII case though.
> It is generally no problem to differentiate between nroff and troff output.  
> I suggest to do this here and to apply the patch for typeset output.

By ASCII I meant specifically ASCII output. I use UTF-8 terminals and
the patch was intended to improve how the nroff output looks in that case.

Anthony J. Bentley

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