> ...but at the end of the day, it doesn't help me shake my suspicion
> that the core groff package is essentially abandonware.

Mhmm, not completely.  Urgent bugfixes (like not being able to compile
or a severe misbehaviour) I still take care.  However, I'm lacking
impetus for larger modifications, unfortunately.

> But since Werner has retired from development and no one else has
> shown much inclination to take it up, it seems that basic groff
> isn't going to evolve significantly.

This is the very problem.  It would be great if someone stepped
forward who is interested in further development, not just applying
bug fixes!  The code base is very clean C++, without using templates
(which are emulated with macros to a certain degree), so it should be
manageable even for people who are grown up with C.

> Werner, you have fulfilled the role perfectly, and I know I speak
> for everyone on the list when I say you have earned not only our
> respect, but our admiration.  [...]

Thank you for your kind words.

> Where does groff go from here, and who will take up the reins?

I will contact maintain...@gnu.org to tell GNU that we are looking for
a new `lead developer' who earns this name.


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