> So here's a task for someone who want to help, but isn't a programmer: > Simply walk over the bug-groff mailing list, checking the validity of > reports, adding them to the tracker, and responsing to the bug report > on the mailing list with a link to the tracker issue.
I've started this by creating "bug" reports corresponding to the items on Werner's list of the most critical improvements groff needs (aside from his "Apply zillions of small bug fixes sent to the groff mailing list" item). I prefixed each of these with "UPGRADE:" in the summary line. Whoever has the proper authority in the bug tracker, these items should have their priority level bumped up. I may go through some bug-groff reports as time allows, but please, anyone else, don't let that discourage you from helping out with this chore as well! Items in groff's TODO file should also be added to the tracker, I think, but I'm not going to tackle this. First, many of these items are written in a cryptic shorthand whose meaning I don't have the expertise to decipher. Second, the file itself is nearly ten years old, and I don't know how many of the items are even applicable anymore.