Hello alls!
I'm thinking about getting a nice font with ligatures, small caps, old style numbers, etc., to use with groff. The problem is that all the newly made font are opentype fonts, and can't be found as postscript font. I've searched on some solution to translate opentype fonts to postscipt fonts, and found some software: fontforge, and a command line tool available with texlive: the lcdf type tools: http://www.lcdf.org/type/ They both can convert opentype font to postscript font, but they both generate a single postscript font containing all the opentype features (small caps, old style numbers...) instead of making one postscript font for each feature. So, does anyone how to split correctly such a font to the differents fonts that I could use with groff, or, more generally, does anyone know how to convert opentype fonts to may use them within groff? Thanks for your help Pierre-Jean.