> I've made some tests. Here is a tutorial about how to use OpenType
> fonts with groff.

Thanks!  I haven't tested yet your recipe, however, some comments.

> 1) OpenType font format is just an encapsulation of TrueType fonts
> or PostScript fonts.

This is a exaggerating simplification, but I think you are aware of
that fact.

> When choosing an OpenType font, one must be carefull to choose a
> PostScript one.  Usualy, font.otf is a postscript one, and font.ttf
> is a truetype one.

Note that TrueType fonts can be used with groff if converted to the
Type42 format.

> A single opentype font contain different features of each letters.
> For example, it contains small caps, old style numbers,
> superscripts... In the font, the variants glyphs are named
> "glyph.variant", for example: small caps a is named: a.smcp old
> style one is named: one.onum
> To make some tests, I've found a free (as in beer) opentype font:
> Calluna-Regular.otf

Well, a real free font family is, for example, Linux Libertine:


It has more than 2400 glyphs and many glyph variants.

> I've made a script which will build a file containing macro to
> easyly use the glyphs variants.  The script also build a testfile to
> test the font and the macros.  [...]

Very nice!


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