[Talking about ul.tmac]

> The first problem I'm having is that I can't seem to avoid having
> spaces around my underlined material.  For example:
> This word is
> .Underline underlined
> !
> This will cause a space to appear between the word "underlined" and
> the "!"  Do you know of a way that I could avoid this?

You can't.  I've thus defined a new macro `Underline1' which handles
trailing punctuation.

> The second problem is that if the word-wrapping of a paragraph puts
> the underlined word as the first word on a new output line, the
> whole previous line gets underlined as well as the specified word.

Ah, this has escaped my tests.  Thanks for the report.  Attached is a
new version.  Not yet perfect, but...


Attachment: ul-1.4.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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