Hi Tadziu,

> > As a possible further clue: I've run the same test now on a couple
> > of really old machines, wth earlier versions of groff. Both gave the
> > correct result:
> > 
> >   GNU troff version 1.10
> >   GNU troff version 1.16.1
> Strange: I just compiled groff 1.18.1 from sources, and it does
> not show the problem.  Just the packaged version.

Ubuntu 8.04, package groff

    $ troff -Tps <<<'\fS\[ua]\[uA]\[an]\[AN]\[da]\[dA]' | grops | grep /Symbol
    /F0 10/Symbol SF<ddddbed9afdf>72 12 Q 0 Cg EP

Ubuntu 9.10, package groff

    $ troff -Tps <<<'\fS\[ua]\[uA]\[an]\[AN]\[da]\[dA]' | grops | grep /Symbol
    /usr/share/groff/1.20.1/tmac/ps.tmac:689: can't find macro file 
    /F0 10/Symbol SF<adddbed9afdf>72 12 Q 0 Cg EP
    $ sed -n 689p /usr/share/groff/1.20.1/tmac/ps.tmac
    .do mso europs.tmac
    $ locate europs.tmac

A freshly built /home/tmp/pierre/groff-1.20.1, and I used strace(1) to
double-check nothing in the packaged version was being open(2)ed.

    $ ./test-groff -Z -Tps <<<'\fS\[ua]\[uA]\[an]\[AN]\[da]\[dA]' | grops | 
grep /Symbol
    /F0 10/Symbol SF<ddddbed9afdf>72 12 Q 0 Cg EP


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