On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 11:58:36AM -0500, m hobgood wrote:
> Thanks for the help.  I have found the problem.  No bugs, just an  
> apparent
> page size problem.
> Groff 1.19.1 does add the lines:
> %%BeginFeature: *PageSize Default
> << /PageSize [ 595 842 ] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice
> %%EndFeature
> When these lines are commented out or removed, the Linux box works as
> expected.  With these lines in, even doing cat troff.example.ps > /
> dev/lp0 is broken.
> However, it is not the lines themselves that is the problem.  The root
> problem is the 595 842.  If I change these to 612 792 then things
> work, even with the cat command.  So, I'm assuming the values being
> used are for A4 paper.
> Which, if that is so, means that the default groff that comes with
> Mac OS X version 10.4.5 was compiled for A4, not US letter.  To check
> this, I will get a copy of groff 1.19.1 and compile it for the Mac
> using letter for the default and see what happens.  Unfortunately, the
> laserjet won't handle A4 paper, even if I could find it.

I just checked my 10.4.6 install and the shipped version of groff is
1.19.1 and it does default to A4 paper size.  Specifying -dpaper=letter
on the command line does not work properly either, I still get A4
numbers in the /PageSize, but the documents are formatted differently.
I'm doing this remotely and haven't looked at the rendered output yet,
just noticing that diff -c shows a lot of differences, similar to what
I see when I run the same tests on my NetBSD box, which does set the
/PageSize correctly.

I'll grab a new groff out of darwinports and see if it does a better

Michael Parson

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