Thanks for the help. I have found the problem. No bugs, just an apparent
page size problem.

Groff 1.19.1 does add the lines:
%%BeginFeature: *PageSize Default
<< /PageSize [ 595 842 ] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice

When these lines are commented out or removed, the Linux box works as
expected. With these lines in, even doing cat > / dev/lp0 is broken.

However, it is not the lines themselves that is the problem.  The root
problem is the 595 842.  If I change these to 612 792 then things work,
even with the cat command.  So, I'm assuming the values being used
are for A4 paper.

Which, if that is so, means that the default groff that comes with Mac OS X version 10.4.5 was compiled for A4, not US letter. To check this, I will get a copy of groff 1.19.1 and compile it for the Mac using letter for the default and see what happens. Unfortunately, the laserjet won't handle A4 paper,
even if I could find it.

Larry, I am assuming that groff 1.19.1 is the new default coming from Apple since I've not used fink to get anything other than gv. Indeed, the reason I upgraded to the 10.4 was to get the "real" X11. The last public release of the
beta had some problems that were fixed in the official version.

Jon, I did find something new with gv 3.6.1. If I leave the above lines in, as generated by groff, and display with gv, it works fine. But I noticed that gv was automatically using the "default" in the paper size box. If I tried to manually select letter, gv could never display the page. It just hung. Yet, if I selected A4, or US legal, anything that had a height that could handle the 842, then it would work. Commenting out the lines fixed the problem, as of course did changing them to letter values. Also, deselecting "respect DSC" allowed it to work.

Again, thanks.  Both clues were used to troubleshoot the problem.


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