Larry Kollar wrote:
Larry K., have you found a new CVS host for the UTP meanwhile? Have you finally announced the UTP on the various lists? Maybe we can find volunteers more easily if more people know of its existence...
No, and no. Larry McVoy has offered Bitkeeper, and I'm going to take him up on it once I take the time to sit down and get familiar with it.
I got stuck looking for a quote for the release note a while back, and I guess
I'll just go with what I have for the announcement. (It's at if anyone hasn't seen it.)
I remember that SourceForge rejected the UTP because it is a "content generation" project and Savannah would not take it because the license isn't free enough.
Have you explored, and Sarovar is quite new and would accept a project like the UTP book without major fuzz. In fact, hosts most of the TeX community software, macro and *documentation* projects nowadays; that gives you an idea of the possiblities. Alioth is more recent than your last public search for a place to house the repository and being a part of the Debian project they may accept the UTP if the license is free enough.
IMO, CVS and Subversion are better choices. Have you read <>?
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