Larry McVoy wrote:
[blah, blah]
1. Where is the open source client *source code* at the website? I can't
find it.
And no indication of it in your website whatsoever.
2. Where is the open source license?
In the source files. It's basically a BSD license.
Do you refer to this?
* Copyright (c) 2005 BitMover, Inc.
* Licensed under the NWL - No Whining License.
* You may use this, modify this, redistribute this provided you agree to:
* - not whine about this product or any other products from BitMover, Inc.
* - the fact that there is no warranty of any kind.
* - retain this copyright in full.
I don't know if I'd consider this a license.
As on why I think CVS or Subversion are better choices for an open
source project such as the UTP book that's a discussion for another day.
I'll just leave this small thought up in the air for whoever is reading
this: "price of entry, cost of ownership".
Yeah, like I said, FUD. I don't mind people who have legit problems with
BK or anything else. But saying "it's the wrong answer" and replying to
"why" with "that's a discussion for another day. And here's some more
FUD" pretty much makes my point. FUD.
And I will keep postponing such discussion indefinitely because of your
tone and attitude. You have made your mind already and passed judgement
on anyone who disagrees with you and your "technical superiority", which
by the way I don't controvert. You have been trying to corrupt a comment
I did to another member of the list, based on a different discussion we
had long ago, politely suggesting that he makes up his mind himself,
into a soapbox to try to revive and patch up a public relations blunder
you have already suffered. How can you pretend credibility of any kind?
Don't answer, I am not listening anymore.
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