Hi again.  As Jon's suggestion went counter to my experience, I
experimented with it further.  The 

.if n  .na

does not seem to have any effect when the document also sources www.tmac,
which I do for the .URL macro.  It does not seem to matter if the .mso
www.tmac is placed before or after the call to .na, the latter won't work
in its presence.  Something for Gaius to look at?

The workaround is to not source www.tmac for nroff, and supply an alternate
definition for .URL (which is not difficult).

Jon Snader wrote:
> I usually just add
> .if n \{
> .na
> .nr HY 0
> .\}
> at the top of my file.  If you don't want nroff to paginate, add
> a .pl 1000 right after the .nr HY 0, and a .pl \n[nl]u at the end
> of the file.
> jcs
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 03:08:59PM -0500, Dorai Sitaram wrote:
> > I'd like to avoid adjustment (justification) and hyphenation on a document
> > but only if it's being processed by nroff.if n).  In essence, 
> > 
> > .if n .na
> > .if n .nh
> > 
> > should hold for every paragraph.  What's a robust way to do this?  Trying
> > to adding this as a hook (via .am) to various things, like the header
> > macros, or even par*start, always seems to miss the first couple
> > paragraphs.

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