
'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts writes:

> [...]
> What would this do?
> func F(s []any) {
>     s[0] = "Foo"
> }
> func main() {
>     s := []int{1,2,3,4}
>     F(s)
>     fmt.Println(s)
> }

I think most intuitive would be if this behaved as an implicit
instantiation of the function with the type passed to it.

If I replace the signature of F with “F[T []E, E any](s T)”, the
compiler complaints “IncompatibleAssign” at “s[0] = "Foo"”.  I can
do “fmt.Println(s[0])”, though.  This is what somebody coming to Go
freshly would expect.  (IMO)


Torsten Bronger

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