In the first example, the inferred type is `float64`, so the signature of
the function is `func do([]float64)`. You can obviously pass a `[]float64`
to it.
If X is a concrete (i.e. non-interface) type, then `func F[T X]()` is
syntactic sugar for `func F[T interface{ X }]()`, which is a constraint
that has a single union-element and that union-element lists a single type.
So `func do[T []any](v T)` allows to instantiate the function with only a
single type: `[]any`. Because `[]any` is not an interface type.
And you can't pass a `[]float64` to a function accepting an `[]any`,
because slices are invariant.
The two signatures really mean completely different things. Writing `func
do[S []E, E any]` really means "S has type []E, where E can be any type",
which is a very different thing from saying "it's a slice of the specific
type any".

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