This has nothing to do with generics. It is a FAQ regarding the conversion
of a container type value. You cannot modify the type of the object in a
container in a called context. This has been true before generics was
introduced. Ignoring generics what do you think should happen if you call a
function that requires a `[]any` slice and pass it a `[]float64` slice?
Consider this pre-generic example:

package main

func do([]any) {

func main() {
var a []float64

On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 12:01 AM Torsten Bronger <> wrote:

> Hallöchen!
> The two most recent Go blog articles make we wonder why
>     package main
>     func do[T []E, E any](slice T) {
>     }
>     func main() {
>             var a []float64
>             do(a)
>     }
> is valid while
>     package main
>     func do[T []any](slice T) {
>     }
>     func main() {
>             var a []float64
>             do(a)
>     }
> is not.  The error message doe not help me.  Can someone explain
> this?  Thank you!
> Regards,
> Torsten.
> --
> Torsten Bronger
> --
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Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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