P.S. For using tinygo to generate Linux executables, see:

But I couldn't find the minimum kernel version requirements.

On Saturday, 14 January 2023 at 11:41:21 UTC Brian Candler wrote:

> On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 20:42:28 UTC mi...@newclarity.net wrote:
> I SSHed into the ESXi server, used wget to pull down the Golang tarball, 
> used tar to extract it from within the ESXi shell, and then used `go run 
> hello.go` in the ESXi shell and got a runtime error of "epollwait on fd 4 
> failed with 38."  
> That error is basically the same error from this ticket for an unsupported 
> older version of CentOS: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24980
> From there I realized it was beyond my skills to pursue and so I dropped 
> it.
> I wonder if anyone on the list can speak to the difference between what 
> you (Anthony) did and what I did, and Anthony's worked and mine didn't?  
> Anthony wrote a very simple "Hello world" program.  You tried to run an 
> extremely large and complex program (the Go compiler).
> Further, I wonder if other runtime errors are waiting as soon as other 
> packages are pulled in that need greater access to the O/S?
> I think that's exactly right.  You can build simple binaries for Linux and 
> they'll run under ESXi, but because it's running on an ancient Linux kernel 
> which is below the minimum required by Go, anything sophisticated will fail.
> Finally, I wonder if someone on the list would be able to help me get 
> around that error and continue exploring the compilation and execution of 
> Go programs on an ESXi server from within the ESXi SSH shell?
> Not directly, no.  The Go team themselves have dropped support for ancient 
> Linux kernels, and adding that back would be a major undertaking (which 
> nobody wants to do).
> I should ask though: what is the actual problem that you're trying to 
> solve, i.e. what is your ultimate goal?  Is it that you want to write admin 
> tools for managing your ESXi server? And your preference is that these 
> tools run directly on the ESXi host, *and* that they are written in Go?
> This doesn't require having a Go compiler which runs *on* the ESXi host, 
> because you could do the compilation elsewhere.  But it does require a 
> compiler which generates binaries which run on this host.  There are other 
> Go compilers, like tinygo <https://tinygo.org/>, that you could try.  
> These are designed to generate code for older/smaller machines so might 
> work.
> Next thought: would you be happy to have admin tools that don't run on the 
> ESXi host itself, but instead talk to the ESXi API?  Are you using vcenter 
> or standalone ESXi hosts?  That would be the "cleanest" way to administer 
> them.
> Finally: at worst you can write a Go program which runs on a different 
> host, and simply ssh's to the ESXi server to run the ESXi command line 
> tools there.  Go includes an ssh client library:
> https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh

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