I haven't made a bootstrapped Go toolchain so I can't help with that but I 
can provide the following information:

ESXi knows how to run ELF binaries, the interesting part then becomes what 
architecture of CPU do you have the ESXi server installed on. If it's x86 
or any other architecture that the Go toolchain already supports you don't 
have to make a bootstrap version for yourself. If it's not one of those, 
then it might be easier to compile your binaries on a different machine 
with the GOOS and GOARCH flags to specify your target OS (in this case 
Linux) and whatever architecture you are trying to build for.

Just to be sure, I just wrote a simple "Hello" binary in Go on Ubuntu. Did 
a simple 'go build' so that it would target my host OS and architecture 
then SCP'd it to an ESXi host I have available for testing also on x86. I 
was able to run this binary without issue within the shell of the ESXi 

Hopefully that provides some insight.

On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 3:20:15 PM UTC-6 brett....@gmail.com wrote:

> Good afternoon, hoping to get a little help.
> I am trying to build a bootstrap candidate that allows me to build and run 
> go programs on an ESXi server.
> I am following this 
> <https://dave.cheney.net/2015/10/16/bootstrapping-go-1-5-on-non-intel-platforms>
>  blog, and the issue is that my bootstrap candidate doesn't contain the 
> go binary in the bin directory that is required when running all.bash.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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