I think the difference is that I didn't actually do the compilation on the 
ESXi host itself, I just ran the binary there. 

'go run hello.go' on the ESXi host will, attempt, to both compile and 
execute the compiled binary; I'm guessing the ESXi host itself though 
doesn't have some of the same shared library updates the supported Linux 
kernels have which may be required for the compilation.

A insightful test here would be to use the go compiler on the ESXi host 
initially to see if a 'go build' will even work, if not it's an issue with 
compilation. If that works and execution itself breaks, then it's outside 
of the go build toolchain and a difference in the Go runtime itself on 
Linux and VMkernel targets.


On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 2:42:28 PM UTC-6 mi...@newclarity.net wrote:

> On Jan 13, 2023, at 1:32 AM, Anthony Brown <abrow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I haven't made a bootstrapped Go toolchain so I can't help with that but I 
> can provide the following information:
> ESXi knows how to run ELF binaries, the interesting part then becomes what 
> architecture of CPU do you have the ESXi server installed on. If it's x86 
> or any other architecture that the Go toolchain already supports you don't 
> have to make a bootstrap version for yourself. If it's not one of those, 
> then it might be easier to compile your binaries on a different machine 
> with the GOOS and GOARCH flags to specify your target OS (in this case 
> Linux) and whatever architecture you are trying to build for.
> Just to be sure, I just wrote a simple "Hello" binary in Go on Ubuntu. Did 
> a simple 'go build' so that it would target my host OS and architecture 
> then SCP'd it to an ESXi host I have available for testing also on x86. I 
> was able to run this binary without issue within the shell of the ESXi 
> server.
> That is quite surprising. 
> Brett sent me an off-list email and so I explored compiling and running Go 
> on my VMware ESXi 7.3 server but ran into problems.
> I SSHed into the ESXi server, used wget to pull down the Golang tarball, 
> used tar to extract it from within the ESXi shell, and then used `go run 
> hello.go` in the ESXi shell and got a runtime error of "epollwait on fd 4 
> failed with 38."  
> That error is basically the same error from this ticket for an unsupported 
> older version of CentOS: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24980
> From there I realized it was beyond my skills to pursue and so I dropped 
> it.
> I wonder if anyone on the list can speak to the difference between what 
> you (Anthony) did and what I did, and Anthony's worked and mine didn't?  
> Further, I wonder if other runtime errors are waiting as soon as other 
> packages are pulled in that need greater access to the O/S?
> Finally, I wonder if someone on the list would be able to help me get 
> around that error and continue exploring the compilation and execution of 
> Go programs on an ESXi server from within the ESXi SSH shell?
> Thanks in advance for any insight into this.
> -Mike
> Hopefully that provides some insight.
> On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 3:20:15 PM UTC-6 brett....@gmail.com wrote:
>> Good afternoon, hoping to get a little help.
>> I am trying to build a bootstrap candidate that allows me to build and 
>> run go programs on an ESXi server.
>> I am following this 
>> <https://dave.cheney.net/2015/10/16/bootstrapping-go-1-5-on-non-intel-platforms>
>>  blog, and the issue is that my bootstrap candidate doesn't contain the 
>> go binary in the bin directory that is required when running all.bash.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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