On Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 5:22:23 AM UTC-4 Jan Mercl wrote:

> On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 11:11 AM tapi...@gmail.com <tapi...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > It says both "make([]T, N) does not escape" and "make([]T, N) escapes to 
> heap" for the slice allocated by g. 
> What's conflicting about? You still did not explain that. 
> I noted before that the code is different. Yes, the different code 
> shares the same single line. That means nothing. Different code, 
> different outcome. It would be unexpected iff the outcome would be 
> different for the same, not different code. 
> Hint: When a slice is created in a function _and_ is returned as a 
> result of that function, it's backing array must escape - in the first 
> approximation at least. 

I just try to confirm whether or not g will allocated on heap. I think It 
will not if g is inlined. But it will otherwise.

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