And how to interpret the conflicting messages for the following program?

package main

type T int

const N = 1<<12
var i = N - 1

func main() {
    var r = make([]T, N) // make([]T, N) does not escape
    var r1 = g() // make([]T, N) does not escape

func g() []T {
    var ts = make([]T, N) // make([]T, N) escapes to heap
    return ts

On Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 4:51:30 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> In the following code, "make([]T, n)" is reported as escaped.
> But does it really always escape at run time?
> Does the report just mean "make([]T, n) possibly escapes to heap"?
> package main
> type T int
> const K = 1<<13
> const N = 1<<12
> var n = N
> var i = n-1
> func main() {
>     var r = make([]T, N) // make([]T, N) does not escape
>     println(r[i])
>     var r2 = make([]T, n) // make([]T, n) escapes to heap
>     println(r2[i])
>     var r3 = make([]T, K) // make([]T, K) escapes to heap
>     println(r3[i])
> }

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