Although I respect the opinions expressed here, I think you might be 
pleasantly surprised by how the proposed design would dovetail with the 
rest of Go and make a number of things much more convenient than they are 
at present.

It would be nice, for example, to have a full range of collection types in 
the standard library without the need to use interface{}, type assertions 
and the performance overhead of 'boxing'. 

It's not an ugly design with angle brackets all over the place and most of 
the time you'd hardly notice you were using a generic function as the type 
parameter(s) would be automatically inferred from usage.

Better still it would be compatible with Go 1.

Admittedly, there's a lot of discussion over the design at present though 
that's mainly about the constraint system. Everybody agrees that this needs 
to be both simple and  expressive though opinions differ over the best way 
to achieve that.

Anyway, as I said in another thread, the important thing is that the 
existing built-in generic stuff is not interfered with, so those who prefer 
to avoid generics may do so and carry on as they are. That way everybody 
will be happy :)


On Monday, September 17, 2018 at 5:04:26 PM UTC+1, 
> Go core team is working hard to bring generics to the language because 
> several people asked for it. With all due respect for those users and for 
> people working hard to make generics a reality, I feel that a greater 
> number of people would suffer after generics adoption. So, I feel compeled 
> to manifest my opinion: sorry guys, Go with generics will be worse than Go 
> without generics.
> The language strives for simplicity since its inception and that is what 
> attracted a large part of its user base. We must think about who we will 
> want to have in our community 10 years from now. Supporting generics would 
> please a minority to the detriment of a large number of potential users.
> Today Go is easy to learn and tools are easy to implement. Please keep it 
> that way.
> Thanks.

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