I do like using interfaces only, and having the language declare some 
built-in ones and automatically map them to the operators. A problem is 
that for consistency they should go both ways... and then you end up with 
operator overloading which I've never been a fan of because people use it 
to write really obtuse code.

On Sunday, September 2, 2018 at 3:08:48 AM UTC-5, Charlton Trezevant wrote:
> Link: [Getting specific about generics, by Emily Maier](
> https://emilymaier.net/words/getting-specific-about-generics/)
> The interface-based alternative to contracts seems like such a natural 
> fit- It’s simple, straightforward, and pragmatic. I value those aspects of 
> Go’s philosophy and consider them to be features of the language, so it’s 
> encouraging to see a solution that suits them so well. The author also does 
> a great job of contextualizing the use cases and debate around generics, 
> which I found incredibly helpful.
> Any thoughts?

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