
Yes, this is correct, it generates epub files in versions 20/30. But it is 
an initial version, you really can gernerate the epubs and open in iBooks 
and Adobe. But it is has a long way to evolve yet.
The example can be found 
at https://godoc.org/github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/epub30#ex-package . The 
README will come soon, I just hadn't the time yet, I focused on godocs 
first and it is still incomplete.
About the  *EPubOptions x interface{}: the method has to satisfy the 
ugarit.Book interface, which, in turn, is not thought to be tied to EPub, 
but leave room to be satisfied by other eBook formats. 
So, I decided to create an interface parameter letting any package to 
define it's own options. But I recognize that this decision is exactly the 
type I wished to be put in question, I am aware that bad
decisions may ruin an entire API.

The lacking of go fmt/vet: my bad. Will be corrected at the next version!

I can't dive into code and look at the other comments right now. I'll do it 
at night (here is 10:30 AM now), then I'll send another mail.

And yes, your comments are of a great help for me! Thank you!

Luis Otavio de Colla Furquim

Em segunda-feira, 15 de maio de 2017 09:30:20 UTC-3, mhh...@gmail.com 
> HI,
> some feedback,
> So this package generates epub files ? In versions 20 / 30 ?
> Is it correct ?
> Can you add an example to use it ?
> Small one.
> My very personal taste,
> I love useful READMEs.
> On the code itself,
> i suspect you don t know yet about *go fmt*,
> I strongly suggest you to use it,
> just because its a great idea.
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub20/book.go#L66
> This hurts :O *if (len(metatag)>0) {*
> See also go vet.
> (generally speaking a good IDE will provide that for you,
> for example i use atom+go-plus: great)
> Then, lots of small things here and there,
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L126
> I don t think you need to init values here, see
> https://play.golang.org/p/eN9cT9gQlE
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L137
> This kind of construction is redundant, en is the default value.
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L134
> This if *seems* useless 
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L258
> I did not get why options is a param of type interface{},
> within the method body it might *only* be an *EPubOptions.
> Can it be a param of type *EPubOptions directly ?
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L456
> twice consecutive and identical conditions.
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L464
> I wonder.
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L487
> take advantage of filepath.Join() + os.Separator ? maybe.
> https://github.com/luisfurquim/ugarit/blob/master/epub30/book.go#L626
> why 59?
> I must say you took great care about error values and documentation
> ...I m a small player in comparison :p
> was it helpful ? I don't know.
> On Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 10:49:44 PM UTC+2, Luis Furquim wrote:
>> Hello Gophers!
>> I am publishing a first barely usable version of an EPub eBook generator. 
>> It still has many improvements to be done. Documentation is poor but 
>> exists. There's an example in the epub30 package. Criticism would be a 
>> great help. I know it has much to be done. So, please be gentle! ;)
>> Thank you all!
>> Luis Otavio de Colla Furquim

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