On 16/01/18 04:24, listo factor via Gnupg-users wrote:
> Considering the possibility that this particular system will
> be forced to conform to a more contemporary (and I would argue
> more enlightened) legislative framework in respect to the right to
> privacy (cf., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_be_forgotten)

So how about I insert some private information of somebody into the
"more contemporary" Bitcoin blockchain. Would you advocate that
everybody removes copies of the blockchain? Wouldn't that mean an end to

Or do you consider blockchains to be outmoded technology from a
different era? Just kidding :-).

> then it is not unreasonable to assume that most enlightened
> jurisdictions will sooner or later enact such legislation. Yes, it
> is DRM, but in my view ethically much more justifiable than DRM over
> the data of commercial value.

What about those enlightened jurisdictions where anything not conforming
to a strict interpretation of the local major religion is forbidden?
Should country A get to forbid anything that is not directly conforming
to religion 1 and country B forbid anything not conforming to religion
2, and this world-wide? Perhaps then we can use all those high-bandwidth
links to exchange nothing but kitten pictures... provided there isn't a
religion forbidding the depiction of animals.

Why would you honour the EU's request to purge unwanted information from
the internet world-wide, but not honour country A and B? Who decides
what is "ethically justifiable" and what not? Do we need a world-wide
vote on which commission is the most enlightened to decide this? Would
such a vote require a majority, a large majority or be unanimous? And
who decides these parameters anyway? And when there's a radical regime
change somewhere in the world, do we go back to the drawing board?

(Oh, by the way, usually when I talk about DRM, I'm talking about giving
somebody data but restricting the ways in which they can use that data.
It's not clear to me how DRM applies when you want to simply not give
data at all, to anybody. But this is not really pertinent to the
discussion, so never mind.)


I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at <http://digitalbrains.com/2012/openpgp-key-peter>

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