On 01/16/2018 01:17 AM, Robert J. Hansen - r...@sixdemonbag.org wrote:

The SKS community has been discussing a considerably worse nightmare
scenario for the past seven years.

Considering the possibility that this particular system will
be forced to conform to a more contemporary (and I would argue
more enlightened) legislative framework in respect to the right to
privacy (cf., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_be_forgotten)
should not be viewed as "discussing a [...] nightmare scenario",
it should be considered as planning for demands that will be placed
on the system by developments outside of it, i.e., by developments
of the society that the system is supposed to serve.

If there is merit to the principle that an Internet server operator
can not keep publicly serving private data over the objections of
the owner (the same as today, after many battles, he can no longer
publicly serve data of commercial value over the objections of its
owner), then it is not unreasonable to assume that most enlightened
jurisdictions will sooner or later enact such legislation. Yes, it
is DRM, but in my view ethically much more justifiable than DRM over
the data of commercial value.

The fact that one large jurisdiction is well on its way with
enacting this, while another is not there yet, should be viewed
as a fortunate circumstance, one that buys us time to do what needs
to be done, not as an excuse to bury our heads in the sand.

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