On 02/04/16 09:55, Eva Bouwman wrote:
> I will start where Dashamir suggested , [...]

> Personally I tend to agree with Julian. My idea was not to write a OS 
> dependent document, in my opinion the target audience will be narrowed down.

These two statements seem to be in opposition. Dashamir's project has a
pretty narrow target audience. His code will not run on Windows, and the
project is aimed at people comfortable with working at the command line,
whereas most beginners will use a GUI tool. If you want to reach a big
audience, you should probably work on either GnuPG documentation itself
or documentation for a commonly used GUI tool, perhaps Kleopatra or
Enigmail? Personally, I use the command line, I'm not that accustomed to
the GUI tools.

By the way, I'm Dutch and I enjoy playing with language. If you run into
trouble translating something, I might be able to help.



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
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